A little about me

my name is emilie

You know that girl that always insists on getting group photos and portraits at any occasion? The one that slows you down during a trip because she wants to photograph everything? Well, nice to meet you, it’s me!! 

My journey into photography has been a wild and amazing ride! I started my career in autopilot, following what I thought was the “right” path working in sales and marketing for big companies or start-ups. But I’m the type of person that is either on FIRE by what I’m doing or losing my light and joy very quickly. 

So I took the risk to quit everything to find my path and I'm so glad I did! Expressing my creativity through photography brings me so much meaning! Living the artist life makes my wild, free and romantic heart SO happy! 

Although photography is my main creative outlet, I'm a multi-passionate person at heart. I'm curious about everything. I bring that curiosity and passion into every experience I create so be ready to join me on a very fun ride!!  

I'm ready, take me there!

and I'm sooo excited you're here!

When it comes to photography, my philosophy is simple: keep it real and authentic!! The best photos are the ones that capture your unique spirit and personality. I strive to translate how you see the world into stunning photos that truly reflect who you are. That means that each photoshoot is very different and personalized to you!

Also, none of my clients are models - most of them have never taken professional photos before. So if you're not sure about how to pose or feel that you're not photogenic, don't worry. It's my job to prove you that you are! I'll be with you every step of the way and you count on me to put you at ease with my silly jokes! 

My ultimate goal is for you to leave feeling empowered and confident! Then, the photos will be a forever reminder of that feeling and of how beautiful and truly special you are!!

"If you want to recognize yourself in your photos and have them radiate an energy, YOUR energy... it's Emilie that you need to see!"









I draw my inspiration from people, their unique stories and quirks. I used to be the most inspired by self-love and empowerment and I still am. But after falling in love hard core with my now husband Eduardo, I now value connection and love above all, My inspiration evolves with time and the personal phase I am in,

Nature is another huge inspiration for me, no matter where I am in the world. The colors, textures, elements and shapes of the natural world are endlessly creative and beautiful. In my style of photography, I love to connect you with nature, showing visually how we're one. That's why I looove to shoot outdoors or bring natural elements indoors too! 

Every shoot, every location, I see the world through a whole new lens. Your story will be different from the last, and this ignites my passion all over again!!





I wouldn't have dared to dream to become a photographer! In my world, becoming an artist was not really an option! So, I did a Master in Business and try working in sales and marketing for companies. But I quickly realized that the corporate world wasn't for me!

I decided to take the risk to find my true calling and quit everything. For a while, I freelanced creating websites and logos. I launched my YouTube channel and became a travel vlogger too!

But it's in Bali that I did my first photoshoots, mixing digital and film cameras and it felt SO right, I knew this was my path. I learned photography through many online ressources but most importantly through a LOT of practice since I was 12 years old! I just never thought I could make a career out of it.

It's already been 3 years, and I shot over 130 women and men with unique stories, body types, nationalities, careers... I've shot in 8 different countries and 3 different continents. I'm so grateful for every person I photograph that allows me to live my dream life everyday!!

"She succeeds at giving you a whole new outlook on yourself, beyond what you usually see,"




You might have got that from me now but I LOVE people! So obviously, my husband Eduardo, my family, my friends are my favorite "things" in the world! Sharing quality time with them is what I cherish the most! 

Otherwise, I'm all about new experiences and adventures! Discovering new food, meeting new people, learning new ways of doing, admiring new landscapes... There is not a place or cultures on this earth that I'm not curious about!

On the daily, you'll find me dancing, doing yoga, hiking, spending time in nature (especially the beach) or watching historic shows (Where are my Outlander fans at??)! Anything with movement or creativity makes my inner child deeply happy!! 

But, enough about me though - I can't wait to hear and capture YOUR story!

Whatever you imagine for your session, let's make it a reality! I love storytelling and I never say no to a new adventure!


Let's start the journey!




It was a first for us in front of the camera, we were a bit anxious at first but then, thanks to you, we were at ease way faster than we thought.
With your words, coupled with your really authentic smile, the experience becomes easy, enjoyable and smooth.A moment in a comfort bubble, a safe place that you know how to create the second you put your gaze on each of us.  During the experience, we forget the camera, we only think about ourselves and we share that moment with you. The result is beautiful and it's also thanks to you because you created a lot of those smiles on the moment. The photos are simple just as we hoped and it was an amazing encounter. Thank you Emilie !


I did an incredible photoshoot with Emilie. We met in the south of France, we succeeded in finding a place with exactly the vibe I was looking for and I brought personal accessories to make it feel like my home. She helped me pick the outfits and places. The result is amazing and most importantly, it really feels like it's the real me that was highlighted by her talent. I loved that I didn't have to pose but I could just be myself in a completely authentic way with nice background music.
Thank you for this great moment and beautiful memories. For me that never do things halfway, I was very satisfied and the photos still follow me today. I can only recommend this experience if you want authentic and aligned photos of yourself! 





I loved my photoshoot with Emilie!! I booked her on a sudden impulse. And I did not regret it! Emilie really knew how to put me at ease. Being photographed by her seemed natural. I didn't feel like I was posing but that I was simply spending a good time with her! And I am SO happy with the photos! Not only I find myself pretty but I find the photos themselves, splendid!

Emilie has a true talent!! To create a safe space for people as much as taking the photos (and editing them). They're really authentic, I love it. Doing these photos allowed me to feel more legitimate : I feel professional when I use them online. Thank you Emilie! When are you passing around here again?





what's your story?

Tell me all about it!